Academically Accredited Courses (AAC) Award

Get funding help for your academically accredited course from the CSP Charitable Trust.


This award supports applications for national academically accredited or validated programmes, such as national vocational qualifications, BTEC awards, access and postgraduate courses. The fund does not support member costs towards undertaking part-time or full-time qualifying degrees in physiotherapy.

If you are unsure of a programme's eligibility, please contact the programme provider or the awards administrator.

Applications for funding should normally be made in the year in which the programme is to be undertaken. Applications can be made retrospectively, providing they are submitted by a deadline which falls within the same calendar year in which the programme has been completed.

Applicants may now apply for up to 50 per cent of their course fees, after deduction of any other sources of funding, to a maximum of £10,000. See the application guidance for further information.

The Education Awards Panel particularly welcomes applications from individuals from under-represented backgrounds.

Funding for Associate CSP members

The AAC Award is already open to Associate members of the CSP, and the CSP Charitable Trust has received a generous donation specifically for Associate members under the AAC Award. Eligible members may apply in the usual way following the rest of the criteria and guidance outlined.

How to apply

There are two rounds of funding per year for this award. Applications are due to open in January 2025, with a deadline of March 2025.

Applications for the AAC Award must be submitted through the CSP Learning Hub. 

Access the Learning Hub

For queries please email the Charitable Trust and awards administrator.

 Application form and guidance notes

The application form and guidance notes are made available for information only and are not for completion. Applicants should access the Learning Hub when applications are open in order to download the documents applicable to that award round.

Application writing support

  • Resources to assist you in writing a focussed and good quality application are available on the Learning Hub.
  • The CSPCT's Education Awards Panel has provided a report on the previous funding round. The purpose is to provide future applicants with reflections from past applications.
  • Watch the below video by Dr Jane Hislop, Chair of the CSPCT Education Awards Panel, on top tips for a successful application:


Other awards from the Charitable Trust

See more about the CSP Charitable Trust for information about financial assistance for your research project, conference presentation or student elective placement.

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