Comment: Firm footing at the Aberdeen Physiotherapy Works event

Ian A McMillan on this month's physiotherapy Works event in Aberdeen.

About 150 CSP members gathered at the Curl sports centre in Aberdeen last month. It would be hard to think of a more appropriate fitting venue for an awareness-raising Physiotherapy Works event in Scotland. Not only did the sport of curling originate in Scotland, but the setting also gave delegates opportunities to watch groups of older competitors playing games on the ice during delegates’ refreshment breaks.
I had met two physios with a remit to reduce the risk of falls in the Highland region the previous day, It was hard not to be impressed by the dexterity and skill displayed by the energetic participants wielding their curling brooms and stones. I couldn’t help wondering if a research-minded physio might be able to show that taking part in curling cuts down the likelihood of falling in later life.  
A letter by Andrew Mooney on the meaning of evidence-based medicine in the last issue of Frontline prompted two physios to join the debate.  We are keen to spotlight contrasting perspectives on clinically-related topics where we can. For example, see our new Hot topic feature on trigger points on page 21. As always, we would like to hear your thoughts on this article and any ideas you have for other topics we could be air in the future.
Another Physio Works event takes place in Llandrindod Wells, Powys, next week.

Ian A McMillan Deputy editor, Frontline

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