Parent and carer information leaflets

Please find our latest selection of useful resources

Parent and carer information leaflets

The Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists has produced a range of information leaflets for parents and carers, which are available online and can be downloaded for free and distributed by physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals.

The leaflets have all been written by qualified paediatric physios: Information for parents.

Guidance on improving physical healthcare for people with severe mental illness

If you come across any resources and tools you would like to share with other clinicians please send them to

NHS England has published new guidance for support integrated care systems and service providers, to help them improve the physical health care of adults living with severe mental illness. You can access the guidance titled 'Improving the physical health of people living with severe mental illness (SMI)' here.

Pulmonary rehabilitation commissioning standards

Those working in pulmonary rehabilitation services can now use a new set of standards to identify the key areas they should focus on for their planning and delivery. 

The standards, which outline what good pulmonary rehabilitation services should aim for have been published by NHS England.

Frailty: identification and interventions

The British Geriatrics Society is offering a free e-learning course for any health or social care professionals who provide care and services for older people living with, or at risk of, frailty. 

The course carries 10 CPD hours/credits of distance learning from the Royal College of Physicians. To gain free access to the course visit there website here. 

Rehab for children with heart disease

Paediatric physios Steph Clarke and Natalie Milburn are two of the authors of a newly published scoping review, which highlights the provision and impact of rehabilitation provided by physios in children and young people with congenital heart disease following cardiac surgery. You can access the review titled 'The provision and impact of rehabilitation provided by physiotherapists in children and young people with congenital heart disease following cardiac surgery: a scoping review' here.

Resources appearing on this page are not necessarily endorsed by the CSP

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