We are the CSP

We are the CSP, a 65,000-strong community of physiotherapists, support workers and physiotherapy students

We are the CSP: explore the full range of member benefits

Find out about the benefits of being part of the CSP and how you can make the most of your membership.

A CSP member

We are supported and protected

We can achieve our full potential

We are an influential community 

A group of CSP members
  • Raising awareness of the value of physiotherapy with government, employers and other stakeholders
  • Improving education and working conditions for physiotherapists, physiotherapy students and support workers
  • Supporting the movement to achieve recognition for rehabilitation and secure rehab services 
  • Promoting equal access to health services for all 
  • Holding national health departments accountable for integrating physiotherapy into primary care 

*These member benefits are only available to UK practicing chartered and associate members, and student members. Terms and conditions apply to PLI.
**CSP trade union representation is only available to UK chartered and associate practising members. Student members will need to seek representation through the National Union of Students (NUS).

Seun's story

Check out our member stories to learn how others have found value in being part of the CSP.

Help others make the most of their membership 

Physio assistant Gemma Hawtin

As a CSP member, the networks I’ve gained have been invaluable. My membership has helped me develop and progress as a support worker. I’m so thankful for all the support the CSP has given me over the last few years and the support workers who have supported me. It really shows the importance of a community to help each other be the best they can be in their job.

Gemma Hawtin, physio assistant, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS

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