Wanted: associate members

We’re inviting associate members who are support workers to help shape resources, plans and messages for them and their peers

Claire Fordham CSP professional adviser and lead on associate members and support workers

Support worker roles are central to the delivery of high quality physiotherapy services. Their contribution to the profession is likely to increase as the entire workforce continues to grow and develop.

For the CSP, as the voice of the profession, it’s crucial that we represent support workers’ experiences and views in our work. Without their input we can’t be sure that our resources, activities and influencing on their behalf is right.  

There are many ways for associate members to be involved and we’re now offering an additional opportunity by inviting them to join a new support worker reference group. 

This would involve:

  • working with peers and CSP staff to get messages, activities and resources right for support workers
  • using and growing leadership and influencing skills to develop ideas that the CSP could pursue 
  • representing peers at the Annual Representatives Conference
  • representing peers and experiencing two great days of CPD at the annual Physiotherapy UK conference 

Last year input from associate members in a pilot reference group was pivotal to the development of a range of new resources, which can be found on our associates hub.

Initially we’re looking for four members from England and two from each of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We plan to hold four meetings a year, two of which will be virtual. Attendance at all events and meetings where reference group members are required will be paid, as will related expenses, and I’m happy to write to managers to support your involvement.

The deadline for expressions of interest is Tuesday 31 March, and the inaugural meeting will take place at the CSP’s London headquarters during week commencing 4 May. What are you waiting for? 

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