Workplace wins

CSP and the NHS trade unions have launched a new campaign, to promote flexible working for all staff and this is an example of how flexible working could work for you

Workplace wins FL May 2024

Chris is a parent to two teenagers and works at a busy hospital trust in a community role, treating patients in their homes. Chris’ partner has taken on a more demanding role and so they have both discussed how to best support their two boys. Chris has been wanting to reduce their hours for a while now and feels like this would be the right time. Ideally, they would like to drop to four days a week and spend more time at home. 

Inspired by the scenarios and tips they find on - Chris speaks to their CSP rep for advice. Chris also meets their manager to discuss their request. 

Their manager is concerned about approving a request as she has also received a similar request from Chris’ colleague, Lisa, returning from maternity leave. She feels that the requests will impact the clinic’s ability to run the service and escalates the requests as per the trust’s flexible working policy.

The senior leadership team discuss the issue and are keen to support as much as possible as they don’t want to lose either Lisa or Chris’ skills and experience. 

The leadership team propose changing the structure of the team slightly. They suggest adding another part-time role at three days a week, using the savings from Chris and Lisa reducing their hours. 

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