Equity, diversity and belonging: a reflective toolkit

A new toolkit for physiotherapy networks has been developed by Physio First and Sudhir Daya, as Karen Lay explains

Karen Lay
Karen Lay is chair of Physio First and a former CSP Council member

The idea for this piece of work was born out of two conversations: a question from Ishmael Beckford, a Physio First (PF) member and chair of CSP Council, enquiring about PF’s commitment to highlighting issues around race, culture and diversity, and an approach from Sudhir Daya, with an idea for a joint project for CSP professional network (PN) funding. My thanks go to both of them for developing our thinking in this area.

PF is a CSP professional network that represents members in private practice. Our organisational culture prioritises doing business through relationships – through respect, no blame, good communication, structure and planning. 

The PNs vary in size and capacity, with many being administrated by volunteer members, with busy professional lives and limited time. So in order to produce something as a starting point for all PNs to have a conversation about their commitment to equity, diversity and belonging within their leadership/membership structure, we developed the idea of a 20-question reflective toolkit, which could be used on a regular basis as a ‘check in’ and a kick-starter for further work. 

We recognised that these conversations would be sensitive and so engaged an experienced facilitator, Leyla Okhai of Diverse Minds, and invited a representative from each of the PNs plus the diversity networks to participate in meetings to thrash out the questions, leading to the final toolkit.

We also understood that discussions would be outside of normal working hours, so the funding application included personal remunerations. We started with a core group of 13 delegates, who collaboratively suggested, refined, and honed the questions, under facilitated guidance into the final toolkit, which is now available.

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