Annual Representative Conference: what it means for you

Our 2024 Annual Representative Conference (ARC) has just concluded. The event provides a yearly opportunity for members to meet, discuss and debate important matters for the profession, the CSP’s priorities and the way the society works. Frontline looks at what happens next

Illustration of a hand holding a card that reads proposal [llustrations: Neil Webb]
[llustrations: Neil Webb]

Before ARC 

Any CSP group listed in the ARC constitution, such as professional, diversity or regional networks, as well as groups of safety reps or stewards, can submit up to two motions for consideration at ARC. 

Motions are drafted to include a clear proposal for action by CSP Council and also indicate who should be responsible for making it happen.

The ARC agenda committee (elected from representatives attending for a four-year term, with several vacancies open each year) considers submitted motions. The committee may, for example, suggest consolidating several motions on a similar topic into one.

Illustration of three hands waving


Groups are invited to present their motions, followed by other speakers responding, with further time following that for debate. A vote is taken on each motion by nominated reps for each group (for example regional networks). Motions that are passed and accepted by ARC become resolutions and the policy of the conference.

After ARC 

Illustration of an image featuring an X and a tick

As ARC is an advisory body to the CSP’s elected council, ARC resolutions are not automatically mandatory. 

The CSP council can decide to accept or reject them. 

After ARC has concluded, the CSP council will consider each of the resolutions of the conference. At a council meeting following ARC, its responses to the resolutions are agreed. These responses are shared directly with those who originally proposed the motions and are also published on the CSP website.    

Why ARC matters – for everyone 

A group of people standing around and a set of scales to indicate balance

Previous ARC motions have helped to change the future of the profession in areas such as:

  • prescribing rights.
  • opening membership up to associates.
  • injection therapy.
  • affiliating to the TUC.
  • leading the way in equity and diversity issues, resulting in creating the network groups.
  • employing CSP policy officers and setting up CSP regional offices.

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