Latest Blogs
The next steps for digital health leadership in England
Across the five days I heard from UK and international leaders in digital health and social care delivery including Simon Eccles, Natasha Phillips, Sonia Patel, Russ Branzell, Shera Chok, Shayne Hunter, Sarah Wilkinson and Matthew Gould. On Thursday I heard from UK secretary of state for health and social care , Matt Hancock on the next steps of digital health leadership in England. He announced his five next steps for digital health in England. Although this announcement is for England only I hope that it will be echoed by the health departments in the devolved governments throughout the UKSee more -
NHS pay – why 1% is not enough
The simple response of course is ‘because it isn’t enough’ but in reality the answer is far more complex and far more serious. There are of course the moral reasons. The 1.4 million people employed by the NHS have just been through the most difficult year of their working lives – and it isn’t over yet. They have saved many tens of thousands of lives and provided outstanding physical care and emotional succour to those whose lives they couldn’t save. They have needed to acquire novel knowledge and skills rapidly; have often been redeployed to new work areas several times; and have repeatedlySee more -
EDI strategy: taking the time to get it right
We heard very clearly from members the concerns about how collaborative we could be with members when there is so much work in the current time frame and when many members are working exceptionally long hours on the frontline during the pandemic. Without this collaboration, there is the real danger of developing a strategy which ‘hits the target but misses the point’. We are clear, however, that any slowing down in no way diminishes our ambition for transformation. The work to develop the CSP’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy started last June with a whole range of listening eventsSee more -
CSP responds to proposals to reform the NHS in England following the pandemic
The Department of Health and Social Care has today published a White Paper, titled I ntegration and Innovation: Working Together to Improve Health and Social Care for All, which sets out a series of new proposals that aim to reform the NHS and build on its successful response to the pandemic. The CSP views the proposals as a welcome shift away from competition, and towards greater collaboration and integration, and we believe the reforms are essential to strengthen accountability at every level - from the Secretary of State and Parliament to NHS bodies that are part of local systems. HoweverSee more -
Community gyms - an answer to loss of rehabilitation space resulting from the pandemic
Like many acute Trusts across the country, the MSK, paediatric and pelvic health physio teams at Ashford and St Peters (ASPH) in Surrey were facing competing demands on rehabilitation space as a result of the pandemic. Building on the ideas they had to bring rehabilitation closer to home for patients before the pandemic hit, the team managed to successfully influence at all levels of local decision-making to secure gym space and clinic at 3 local gyms. In this blog post they describe how they achieved this, how their influencing efforts snowballed and the positive effect on staff and patientsSee more -
Start your journey to influence change for you, your patients and the profession - Watch the VPUK 2020 recording
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A Covid-19 vaccine – let me have it!
Covid kills and Covid debilitates. So a vaccine is critically needed and I for one would be very happy to be vaccinated. The good news is that several likely candidates for effective vaccines are showing real signs of being able to protect people from the worst impacts of the virus. However, there is no evidence vaccines prevent transmission. They protected those vaccinated from the full effects of the disease. But we are some way from having the capability to mass vaccinate the whole UK population. Vaccines will have to be fully tested, evaluated as safe and effective and licensed. AlthoughSee more -
The educational training pathway to Advanced Practice in Primary care
For the first time, physiotherapy under graduates will be able to see primary care as a career choice as a developmental journey from the day that they register with the HCPC. The national route into MSK primary care roles as set out by Health Education England (HEE) is highlighted in the table below. All clinicians completing the required training via a portfolio or a taught route, will be recognised and held on a directory of practitioners at the HEE Centre for Advancing Practice. From April 2022, all clinicians will need to have completed the required training prospectively andSee more -
Let's talk getting active with patients
Great British Week of Sport is an initiative, led by ukactive with support from Public Health England’s (PHE) Better Health campaign and Sport England, aimed at highlighting the benefits that sport and physical activity have on people’s mental and physical wellbeing. I’m part of a national network of 40+ Physical Activity Clinical Champions (PACCs) - made up of physiotherapists, nurses and GPs - that works with PHE and NHS organisations to deliver free online training sessions to the healthcare workforce. Physical activity will play a key role in building the nation’s health resilience andSee more -
Now is the time for everyone to belong
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